Help for Downloading and Viewing Video Clips

Clicking on the image for a video clip should cause it to be downloaded to a temporary file on your system, and then the appropriate program on your system associated with MPEG-1 video files should automatically be invoked to show the clip. These files are quite sizable and will take an appreciable amount of time to download, depending on the speed of your internet connection, so there may be a substantial delay before the clip is shown. While the file is being downloaded to your system, your browser should show some kind of indication that a download is in progress. There may be an additional delay while your MPEG viewer program is loaded. Be patient.

Here are a couple of possible problems and suggestions as to what to do about them:

  • My browser reports that my security settings do not allow the file to be downloaded. This will happen if your browser security levels are too restrictive. Find the "options" menu item in your browser (for Microsoft Internet Explorer, this is on the Tools menu under Internet Options) and adjust the security settings accordingly.
  • The file seems to download but the video clip is not displayed; instead, I get a page with a funny icon in the upper left corner. This will happen if your system does not have a video viewer program associated with the ".mpg" file extension, or if the browser is unable to start that program for some reason. In that case, you should do the following:
    • Right-click on the image associated with the video clip. A menu should drop down from that point, and you should select "Save target as...". Then pick a location on your computer to save the video file.
    • After the download completes, run your video viewer program (Windows Media Player, for instance) and use the Open File option to open the saved video file.

You can also use the last steps to save the video clip for viewing at any time, without having to return to the web site.

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